• Studying Africa and African Studies in a Nordic landscape:

    contemporary trends and future trajectories


    A digital panel debate hosted by

    the Nordic Africa Research Network


    Wednesday 21 September


    Central European Summer Time / South African Standard Time

  • Does ‘African Studies’ still make sense as a label for research and teaching about/in/from Africa? If so, why? If not, what are the alternatives? How are discussions around Eurocentrism and decoloniality affecting these debates? And what do these questions mean for studies of/in/from Africa based in the Nordic countries, and for Africa-based projects collaborating with Nordic institutions?


    This panel debate will engage critically with these questions, taking into account the latest global trends and a constantly shifting political and intellectual landscape that presents both challenges and opportunities.


    Jonas Ewald


    Jonas Ewald is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Studies, Linnæus University, Sweden. His research focuses on the politics of democratisation, human rights inclusive development and peace processes in Eastern and Southern Africa.

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    Divine Fuh is a social anthropologist at the University of Cape Town and Director of HUMA – Institute for the Humanities in Africa.


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    Amanda Hammar is a critical African Studies scholar and activist. She is Professor at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, and President of the European African Studies Association. She has recently published an article entitled ‘Why African Studies Matters’.


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    Anne Kubai is Associate Professor at the School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Södertörn University College, Sweden, Extraordinary Professor, Institute of Gender Studies, University of South Africa, and an Affiliated Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University.

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    Friederike Lüpke is Professor of African studies and Chair of the Africa Research Forum for Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on how multilingual practices in West Africa can serve as a model for more convivial societies in the Global North.

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    Jacinta Victoria S. Muinde is a Researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. Her doctoral research was awarded the Royal Anthropological Institute's Sutasoma Award and the Audrey Richards Prize by the African Studies Association of the UK.



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    Carin Norberg is Chair of the Nordic Africa Research Network and former Director Nordic Africa Institute.




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    Vito Laterza is an anthropologist and political analyst. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Global Development and Planning at the University of Agder, Norway.